Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 1: 245

I have been wondering if a clearer recording of me, of my body will keep me on track. So I'm going to try it.
I started doing 30-day Shred on Tuesday. Hard, but a good, quick (20 minutes!) workout. I've got a triathlon coming up at the end of April (really small, just a bunch of friends, but legit enough to warrant training) so I need to set up my training schedule for that.
Lent starts next week too, so this weekend is when I need to start my new schedule. My plan this time? A few things are rolling around: Running every day (or following my triathlon plan), 30-Day Shred every day (this one is a definite, I think), No Google Reader from 8am-5pm, M-F (this will be rough), some daily reading/reflecting, daily/weekly blogging (want to do the weekly either way- accountability!).
Ok, here's the proof that I'm starting this:

From Blog